Wednesday, March 31, 2021

 Thought for the Day

Math 5 (8:40am - 9:30am)
Objective:  Interpret and represent categorical data in a frequency table
  • Review Frequency Tables
  • IXL Choice - Complete the following from Level 4:
    • I.1 Read a table
    • I.9 Interpret frequency charts
    • I.10 Create frequency charts
Language Arts / Reading 5 (11:25am - 12:15pm)
Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmic patterns (rhyme, alliteration) in a selection. Identify the musical elements of literary language, including its rhymes, repeated sounds, or instances of onomatopoeia.
  • Journal - Look up the definition of quality (n), intelligent (adj), or effort (n).  Write the definition and a sentence using the word of your choice.  Click here for the dictionary.
  • Review rhyme and alliteration
  • Finish Poetry - Rhyme and Alliteration (Google Classroom)
Content Mastery 5 (1:10-1:55 pm)
  • Complete unfinished assignments
  • Check IXL Diagnostic & Recommendations (Data Day tomorrow)
  • Read library books and take AR tests (Library Day tomorrow)
  • Prodigy or Typing Club at 1:40 pm
Bitmoji Image
It takes effort to learn to do something well!

NOTE:  Students who are absent MUST complete assignments listed for each class.