Tuesday, February 9, 2021

 Thought for the Day

Math 5 (8:40am - 9:30am)
Objective:  Use models and formulas to determine the perimeter, area, and missing side length of complex figures
  • Review  Area & Perimeter
  • IXL - Choose two of the following (Must get 80 or above):
    • Level 3, DD.4 Perimeter: find the missing side length
    • Level 3, DD.18 Find the area of complex figures
    • Level 4, AA.3 Perimeter: find the missing side length
    • Level 4, AA.9 Area of complex figures (with all right angles)
  • Prodigy
Language Arts / Reading 5 (11:25am - 12:15pm)
Establish a purpose for reading assigned and self-selected texts
  • Journal - Look up the definition of curiosity or conquer.  Copy the definition and write 1 sentence using the word of your choice.  Click here for the dictionary.
  • Edgenuity - Wood 2/9 Reading for a Reason (Independent Practice & Quiz)
Content Mastery 5 (1:10-1:55 pm)
  • Complete any unfinished assignments.
  • Read library books and take AR tests (Library day tomorrow!)
  • iStation - 20 minutes
  • IXL or Prodigy
  • Typing Club at 1:40 
Bitmoji Image
Stay curious!  Live bravely!

NOTE:  Students who are absent MUST attend Google Meets during the class times listed above!
The link to Google Meets is in Google Classroom.
If you connect and do not see anyone, call me so I can fix it!