Monday, February 22, 2021

 Thought for the Day

Math 5 (8:40am - 9:30am)
Objective:  Use models and formulas to determine the volume of rectangular prisms
  • Review  Area, Perimeter, and Volume
  • IXL - Must complete 3 of the starred items on Level 4, AA or Level 5, DD (80 or above)
    • 1 on perimeter
    • 1 on area
    • 1 on volume
  • Test Wednesday!
Language Arts / Reading 5 (11:25am - 12:15pm)
Revise drafts by adding details
  • Journal - Look up the definition of treasure (v.) or possessions.  Copy the definition and write 1 sentence using the word of your choice.  Click here for the dictionary.
  • Edgenuity - Wood 2/19 Making Writing Better
Content Mastery 5 (1:10-1:55 pm)
  • Complete any unfinished assignments.
  • IXL Diagnostics
  • Read library books & take AR tests
  • Prodigy or Typing Club @ 1:40
welcome back
I missed you all!

NOTE:  Students who are absent MUST attend Google Meets during the class times listed above!
The link to Google Meets is in Google Classroom.
If you connect and do not see anyone, call me so I can fix it!