Monday, February 1, 2021

   Thought for the Day

Math 5 (8:40am - 9:30am)
Objective:  Use formulas for the area of a rectangle and a square to determine the perimeter of items around the room.
  • Review Perimeter
  • Perimeter Around the Room
  • Prodigy
Language Arts / Reading 5 (11:25am - 12:15pm)
Objective:   Monitor comprehension and make adjustments when necessary.
  • Journal - Look up the definition of excellence or attitude.  Copy the definition and write 1 sentence using the word of your choice.  Click here for the dictionary.
  • Renaissance - Star Reading Testing
  • iStation Reading 
Content Mastery 5 (1:10-1:55 pm)
  • iStation Test (Unless you already took it.)
  • IXL Diagnostic & Recommendations
  • Typing club
stay tuned
It's going to be an awesome week!

NOTE:  Students who are absent MUST attend Google Meets during the class times listed above!
The link to Google Meets is in Google Classroom.  If you connect and do not see anyone,
call me so I can fix it!