Wednesday, October 28, 2020

 Thought for the Day

Math 5
Objective:  Add and subtract decimals through thousandths.
  • Review adding and subtracting decimals
  • Decimal Diner Activity
  • IXL - Level 4, T.4 Add and subtract decimals: word problems
Language Arts / Reading 5
Objective:   Determine author's purpose on self-selected texts
  • Journal Topic - No journal today
  • Take AR tests and complete AR Log
  • Choose new library books and read
Content Mastery 5
  • Complete unfinished assignments
  • Read AR books and take AR tests
  • IXL Diagnostics (You must have all your stars!  Data day is tomorrow!)
  • IXL Recommendations to improve your scores
  • space suit reading
Library Day!

NOTE:  If you are absent, please log on and complete the assignments on Edgenuity and/or Google Classroom!  If you need assistance, please call during my office hours or after school.